A Community Resource for Single Cell Data in the Brain
BICAN BRAIN Cell Data Center
National Institute of Mental Health
Award #

Award PIs
Michael Hawrylycz, Allen Institute
Carol Thompson, Allen Institute
Maryann Martone, University of California, San Diego
Anita Bandrowski, University of California, San Diego
Project Description
The BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN) will generate comprehensive molecular taxonomies and organizational principles of cell type diversity in the human and non-human primate extending comprehensive BICCN work in the mouse. This detailed census of the structure and role of cell type specific data in the brain is recognized as one of the most promising avenues for advancing our understanding of the human brain in health and disease. To facilitate successful operations for BICAN, this project will establish an engagement, outreach, and coordination unit for the consortium that will manage operations, essential standards development and documentation, provide operational transparency, and identify and coordinate solutions to key hurdles for collaboration and analysis. In addition to organizing virtual and in-person meetings of the BICAN network and working groups this unit will improve interoperability and alignment with other consortia and partners and aim to improve usage for a wide range of potential data consumers. Complementing these fundamental operational goals of the BICAN consortium and partner CUBIE units, this unit will provide a governance structure for generation and operational transparency of BICAN data production and release and standards development. Essential activities will include technical management and facilitation of community standards, schemas, and ontology development, and centralized consortium data registration and dashboard, and coordinating and organizing BICAN outreach, training, and education activities to enhance interactions with external research programs and consortia. The resulting consortium generated data and tools will be made publicly accessible in a community portal supporting data retrieval, consortium activities, amplify public impact through strong BICAN partnership management, communication, standards committees, and analysis working groups, and develop infrastructure for maximizing community usage, publishing standards and tutorials, and coordinating education and outreach.